Big Birthday Giveaway!

Hi guys! I hope you’re all well! Yesterday was my birthday in RL (yay!) and in celebration, I’m doing my first ever blog giveaway!

Big Birthday Giveaway!

I’m really nervous about doing this but I’m battling through the anxiety in hopes that I can meet new people and give back to everyone and anyone who has supported me over the years.

The prizes:

*This will be for the month of February!

Interested? Yay! Here’s what you need to do (don’t worry, it’s super easy!)

To win:

  • Make sure you’re following this blog! (I know you already are duh)
  • Subscribe to my YouTube channel!
  • And finally, comment on this blog post with your favourite birthday memory!

Easy peasy! Make sure you’ve followed those three simple steps and I’ll use a generator to randomly pick one lucky winner on Tuesday 17th of January!

I explain it all in this short video too;

Please note in this video I mention sharing this Facebook post – this is no longer required but much appreciated!

I hope everyone’s as excited as I am and enjoys participating! I look forward to hosting more giveaways in the future! ♥

Top: erratic – Emilia Sweater
Bottom: Blueberry – Minerva Joggers (C88)
Boots: Blueberry – Fire Boots (C88)
Hair: Truth – Ember
Skin Applier: Glam Affair – Giusy
Lashes: .euphoric – London
Lipstick: alaskametro<3 – Gala – Lips 02 (On9)
Nails: Veechi – So Fetch (TLC)
Head & Eyes: Catwa – Catya
Eye Applier: DeeTaleZ – “Hypnotic” Light Blue
Hands: Vista Animations – Bento Pro Hands v2 Beta
Body: Maitreya – Lara
Pose: Pink Hustler – Pose 07 // 3-1
Pose in Thumbnail: Body Language SLC – Celebrity Photo Booth B (Kustom9)

Backdrop: RAMA – #selfie RAMA Museum Fair
Balloons: {vespertine} – Round Confetti Balloon Gold (Group Gift – 100L Join)

8 thoughts on “Big Birthday Giveaway!

  1. Happy Birthday Harmony! I think my favorite birthday memory is actually something silly and simple, sometime in my early 20s. I was working until 9PM and everywhere was closed after I finished my shift. My boyfriend picked me up from work and told me I was going to have a Royal Date. He took me to Burger King for dinner and Dairy Queen for dessert. It was cheesy and cheap and hilarious and fun. Thank you for the opportunity!

  2. My favorite birthday memory is when, i went to a hotel with me and my friends and stayed up till like 5:00am. Woke up the next morning and went to the mall for hours. Came back home and opened my door and there was my friends and family with a surprise party.!!!

  3. Ooh, just found your YouTube channel and love it. So sweet of you to do a giveaway. My favorite birthday memory was 2 years ago because it was my very last birthday with my husband as he passed away shortly after that. Nothing Monumental happened and no special gifts or events butt it truly was special just because I knew it was going to be my last with him. Looking forward to seeing your videos and discovering new fun stuff in SL. FYI my favorite stores paper arrow. LOL

  4. My 18th Birthday was really good. All of my friends were busy on my birthday, so all of my friends in SL set up a party for me and decorated and just made me feel so special and gave me gifts I never even asked for and I was so grateful for the friends I had made in SL. They turned a birthday where I just sat at home into something WONDERFUL.

  5. My favorite birthday memory was a really good one. I hung out with my family and extended family for my 20th birthday at our home and we ate dinner like chicken or macaroni I believe. My favorite was the cake because it was an oreo log cake! For a present my cousin and his fiance bought me a Japanese cat mug and also a little mystery box for Hello Kitty figures from Barns & Nobles. ❤

  6. My favorite birthday memory is pretty simple. being taught how to make my favorite dish that I alwasy asked to be made for me on my birthday. Now I can feel special any day of the year!

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